Come check out these fantastic pieces and so, so much more as we celebrate our wonderful LPS artists with an Art Show at the Main Gym on Wednesday, May 15th from 9-3.
10 months ago, Kortney Groettum Vesel
chia pet
chia pet
chia pet
chia pet
chia pet
It's always a great day to be a Bronco but today was even better as the Anatomy students got to unbox the CPR and first aid equipment purchased with grant money from the Lisbon Community Endowment Fund. This equipment will be used to certify our future graduating seniors in both CPR and first aid.
10 months ago, Kerri Zahrbock
Unboxing supplies
Anatomy students
The Missoula Children's Theatre is back and looking for students (k-12) to participate in the play, "King Arthur's Quest". Students interested are asked to return the registration form signed by a guardian by Friday, May 10th. More information will follow.
10 months ago, Benjamin Zahrbock
Missoula Theatre
Please be advised the varsity track meet today has been cancelled in Oakes. Also, Saturday’s JH track meet starts at 10:00 am instead of 11:00 am as we originally had listed on our schedule.
10 months ago, Kortney Groettum Vesel
More congratulations are in order for Mrs. Ashley Nudell as the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction has selected her the 2024 Ransom County Teacher of the Year! Lisbon High School is lucky to have such an admirable teacher leader in our district!
10 months ago, Kortney Groettum Vesel
Ashley Nudell Teacher of the Year
Today, some of our talented art students delivered May Day “baskets” made from clay flowers (shout out to Lisbon Fire Department for the donation towards our kiln!) they created in class to the Beverly Ann to help brighten their days.
10 months ago, Kortney Groettum Vesel
clay flowers
art students
Congratulations to Mrs. Nudell on winning a National Master Adviser Award for her superb work with our LHS FCCLA chapter!
10 months ago, Kortney Groettum Vesel
Nudell wins National Award
Schedule change! Due to the weather forecast, Sisseton moved their varsity track meet scheduled on Friday to Thursday at 11:00 am. We will not be attending the Sisseton meet. Instead, our varsity track team will be attending the Oakes meet on Thursday, April 25th starting at 2:30.
11 months ago, Kortney Groettum Vesel
Please share! We are on the hunt for a HS Math teacher, a HS English teacher, and an Elementary teacher for the upcoming school year. See our website at for more information!
11 months ago, Kortney Groettum Vesel
Current openings
Congratulations to Kiera and Jack for placing at yesterday's VCSU Math Competition! It was a great day to be a Bronco! Thirteen of our Brainy Broncos volunteered to represent our school and competed both individually and as teams. #BroncoPride #BrainyBroncos
11 months ago, Kortney Groettum Vesel
Math placewinners at VCSU
Today's Junior High track meet has been cancelled and will not be rescheduled.
11 months ago, Kortney Groettum Vesel
Here is some information on the Summer EBT Program. Contact Jen Hehn or Nikki Kenyon if you have any questions.
11 months ago, Kortney Groettum Vesel
Summer EBT info
Due to a large number of Baby Broncos joining us next year, we are adding an additional Kindergarten section! Please share to help us find our next great addition to our Kindergarten team!
11 months ago, Kortney Groettum Vesel
kindergarten opening
Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 high school reading challenge! In first place with 17,122 pages is Lexi, Aubrey, and Mrs. Zahrbock. In second is Kara, Ava, and Mrs. Nudell with 16,025 pages. During the 5 week challenge, the 7 teams read a total of 70,639 pages! Way to go everyone!
11 months ago, LHS Library
picture of first place winners
picture of second place winners
Our herd of Broncos is looking for new team members! If you know of any fantastic candidates in the following positions, send them our way! - HS Math - HS English - Elementary - Custodians See our website at for more information or to apply
11 months ago, Kortney Groettum Vesel
We are hiring
current openings
Come and celebrate an afternoon of formal fun with the family at the annual butterfly ball sponsored by students going to Costa Rica for science this summer. Date: April 21, 2024 Time: 2pm - 3:30pm Where: Lisbon high school gym Cost: $10 per couple (can escort multiple kids) Spectators: $2 This year, we have added prizes and games and refreshments will be provided! Pre-registration is appreciated and can be completed online or sent to Kori Knipple in the Lisbon Elementary School.
11 months ago, Christina McCleary
Drivers Education Announcement: Students interested in Driver Education this summer need to stop in the Middle School or High School offices and pick up the registration form. Dates for the classroom portion of Driver Education will be May 28th - June 1 in Mr. Moss' room in the High School from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information, contact the Middle School or High School offices.
11 months ago, Jared Hoff
Lisbon Public School District has been awarded the Cognia Values Driven Award of Excellence. This award is one of three state-level awards given by Cognia and is presented to one educational organization that systematically models the following values through their daily efforts to improve outcomes for their students: Dream Big. Stand for the Learner. Be Bold and Daring. A team of staff members will be accepting the award at the Cognia Impact Conference in Bismarck. Go Broncos!!!
11 months ago, Kortney Groettum Vesel
Staff Picture
Help us find the next great members of our Bronco team! We are currently advertising for: - Elementary - HS English - Food Service - Custodians See our website for details:
11 months ago, Kortney Groettum Vesel
We are hiring
From Ransom County Public Health: Measles cases are on the rise in the United States and have been reported as close as MN. Measles is a highly contagious disease and can lead to complications of pneumonia, encephalitis, severe cognitive issues and death. The MMR vaccine is a two-dose series due at 1 year of age and after age 4. Wondering if your child is up to date? Contact Ransom County Public Health to schedule 701-683-6141.
12 months ago, Jared Hoff