Baseball and Softball Season are upon us for the 2025 Season. Get your Broncos Softball and Baseball gear at their team store listed below. These Team Stores close on March 24th. Don't wait!
Softball: https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/vkpGZSRrsG
Baseball: https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/YGhJFs5vZf

Information for the upcoming BBB Region Tournament:
Our Broncos will start things off on Monday, March 10th at 4:30pm vs Central Cass at the SHAC on the campus of NDSU. Lisbon High School will be dismissing at 2:45 that day to help facilitate the safe travel of any students and staff attending the game.
NDHSAA Boys & Girls Basketball Region Tournament & State Qualifiers Pricing:
All Student Tickets: $5
Adult Ticket purchased with GoFan: $10
Adult Ticket purchased with Cash: $15
Link for GoFan:
NDHSAA DIGITAL BOX OFFICE LINK: https://gofan.co/app/school/NDHSAA
*** Fans can purchase tickets to NDHSAA Postseason Tournaments by visiting the link above or by downloading the GoFan App on their phones.
All Days - Cars in the C & D lots of the Fargo Dome, RF, F and R Lots of NDSU (See attached photo)
Doors open 30 minutes prior to 1st game on Monday (4:00pm) and 1 hour prior to first games Tuesday & Wednesday (5:00pm)
Student Sections: Will be behind the hoop on their teams bench end. (Higher seeds South, Lower seeds North)
Fans/Parents: Day 1 (will update for Day 2 & 3)
Lisbon: Sections 101, 102, 103 (West – Across from Bench)

Attention Bronco Basketball fans:
NDHSAA Boys & Girls Basketball Region Tournament & State Qualifiers Pricing:
All Student Tickets: $5
Adult Ticket purchased with GoFan: $10
Adult Ticket purchased with Cash: $15
Link for GoFan:
NDHSAA DIGITAL BOX OFFICE LINK: https://gofan.co/app/school/NDHSAA
*** Fans can purchase tickets to NDHSAA Postseason Tournaments by visiting the link above or by downloading the GoFan App on their phones.

You can watch the Wrestling Pep Rally Today Live on HUDL if you can't make it to the Main Gym. Rally starts at 2:45pm.

Broncos Boys Basketball team travels to Valley City tonight to play the Hi-Liners. JV games starts at 5:30 with Varsity starting approximately 7pm.
You can watch it live on Valley City YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/@valleycityhi-lineractiviti9057

Good Luck to our Girls Wrestling Team at the East Region Individual Tournament in Casselton.
You can watch it live on Your Live Event: https://www.youtube.com/live/nYVDGhL9vsc?si=ap0GDeM5E9WviZFE

Join us tonight for a night full of basketball as we host Kindred in a BBB/GBB double header with both JV squads playing at 4:30, Boys Varsity and Girls C squad at around 6, and Girls Varsity and Boys C Squad to follow around 7:30!
FREE popcorn (rescheduled from last week's cancelled games) sponsored by American Bank & Trust

The Student Council shared their Bingo funds of $384 with the school's backpack food program this week. Thanks for playing Bingo at basketball events and providing a few more healthy weekend snacks and meals for some of our students!

You can watch our music department put on 2 concerts tonight live on HUDL!
3rd Grade Music starts @ 5:30pm
HS Music Concert starts @ 7pm
Watch Live: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/nd/lisbon/organization/20020/lisbon-high-school

Congratulations to Lisbon JV boys as back to back champions at the Kulm tournament 2/8/25!

Join us tonight at the Lisbon Gymnasiums for FREE popcorn sponsored by American Bank & Trust during the basketball games. JVs tipoff at 4:30 with Boys Varsity to follow around 6 and Girls Varsity to follow around 7:30. Lisbon Gymnastics will also be performing during halftimes.

Attached is the bracket for the Girls WR East Region Dual Tournament taking place on Saturday in Grand Forks.
Good luck and go get 'em, Broncos!

The Boys WR Region 1 Dual Tournament on Saturday in Kindred has been pushed back two hours. The information on this bracket is the accurate information.
Go Broncos!

Basketball Teams are in action tonight starting at 4:30 with the JV Teams. You can catch both teams on several media outlets:
BEK Sports: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/163x334SD2/
Your Live Event:
Girls Game: https://www.youtube.com/live/9GzX7va6Blo?si=hsXQOOvV0iwuMoyd
Boys Game: https://www.youtube.com/live/sXAIiqSlMCo?si=kMt3JOzQPh3XT2J1
HUDL: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/nd/lisbon/organization/20020/lisbon-high-school
Go Broncos!

GBB travels to Wahpeton Tonight for Class A Region 1 action. Watch the Varsity live @ https://www.youtube.com/@3borderssportsnetwork
C Squad/JV can be viewed on HUDL: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/nd/wahpeton/organization/18968/wahpeton-high-school

Here is the bracket for the Region 1 Dual Tournament taking place in Kindred on Saturday, February 8th.

Streaming for tonight's basketball games:
Boys Varsity: https://www.youtube.com/@3borderssportsnetwork AND https://www.youtube.com/@kbmwnewslive/streams
Boys JV and C: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/nd/wahpeton/organization/18968/wahpeton-high-school
Girls: https://www.youtube.com/@hankinsonpublicschool

Boys Basketball streams tonight:
Varsity game can be watched at: 3 Borders Sports Network - YouTube and KBMW News Live - YouTube
Sub Varsity can be viewed at: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/nd/wahpeton/organization/18968/wahpeton-high-school

Free self-defense course information--see photo for more information.

Attached is a letter from Mr. Justin Fryer about the PowerSchool Cybersecurity Incident. If you have any questions about what is in the letter, please reach out to Lisbon Public Schools @ 701-683-4106