Middle School Leadership

Lisbon Middle School Leadership Team 

Mission Statement: “We will strive to better our school and community by respecting ourselves, watching out for our peers, and recognizing and fulfilling the needs of our community and its members.” 

The Leadership Team is comprised of 7th and 8th grade students who display responsibility, dedication to school, and leadership qualities. Students apply for membership in the Leadership Team and are selected through a blind essay application. Once formed, the team holds elections and selects an executive board of a president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. The Team runs the school store and serves as representatives of the middle school student body. The Leadership Team has completed many service projects since its inception in 2014 including the creation of an outdoor classroom space, various fundraisers for community members in need, and food pantry drives. The Team has also contributed to school activities like quarter behavior celebration events, homecoming, Red Ribbon Week, and Student of the Month celebrations.