Title 1 Coordinator

Benjamin Zahrbock

Phone: 701-683-4107

502 Ash Street, Lisbon, ND 58054

Title 1 is a school wide program used to upgrade the complete educational program in a Title 1 school by raising academic achievements for all students. The school-wide program is available to school with a base where at least 40% comes from low income families. Title 1 is a federally funded program that provides for struggling readers in elementary and secondary schools. This service is in addition to what the classroom teacher provides inside the classroom

Our goals for reading are to assist students to higher levels of literacy and to acquire a stronger skill for reading.

Title 1 math services can be provided to any child performing below grade level in an eligible school. Title 1 math strives to support students in the achievement of standards. The program delivers services in a variety of forms.